Synopsis: Reworking of Shakespeare's Othello into modern, adolescent setting tells story of hotshot prep-school basketball player whose conniving friend convinces him his girlfriend's cheating on him.
was disappointed by two things: 1) the very shallow script, which often left these inexperienced actors reaching for something to do/say. Notice that the most experienced actor of all--Martin Sheen--was the only one able to "fill the phrase." 2) The music was all wrong for a white prep school. Black rap just ain't it for the preppy rich kid crowd.
The story was good; it better be, based as it is on Othello, but it was too often contrived to be really gripping. And it should have been gripping.
Too bad Rain Phoenix looks like Joaquin and not River. River got all the looks in that family, it seems.
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* blacklegend (Added disc on February 5, 2005)
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