Synopsis: Exiled to a subterranean prison, Riddick encounters Kyra, the lone survivor from an earlier chapter in his life. His efforts to free them both propel him into an apocalyptic battle, with the fate of all beings - living and dead - hanging in the balance.
Alternate Title(s): The Chronicles of Riddick: Pitch Black
There are 4 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are 13 additional editions of this movie in other regions
Riddick's Worlds: Interactive 360 Degree View of 8 Sets From the Film
Play The Chronicles Of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay Xbox Game
Virtual Guide to The Chronicles Of Riddick
Riddick Inside Facts on Demand
Visual Effects Revealed
Toomb's Chase Log
Disc Information:
Single Sided, Dual Layer
Disc Audio Information:
Spanish (Espanol)
Disc Subtitle Information:
Spanish (Espanol), French, English (Closed Caption)
This is a fine example of a company throwing money at a film just because they have it and hoping it will fix the weak plot. In Pitch Black, they had to rely on character development and old fashioned suspense to move the story along, but this time with a bigger budget there are more special effects, more detailed sets, fancier camera work, and less humanity. Vin Diesel relies on his great voice rather than his acting to carry him through and it doesn't work this time. It's the beginning of the end for him. Although the sound and video quality are high, the movie is so crummy, it just doesn't work well.
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