Synopsis: Unflinchingly grisly psycho-thriller about two detectives' hunt for a demented serial killer who designs each of his murders to represent one of the seven deadly sins, moral laws he sermonizes have been forgotten and for which punishment must now be exacted. Before the detectives can catch him they find themselves part of his gruesome plot.
Audio Commentary by director David Fincher, Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt
Audio Commentary by director David Fincher with author Richard Dyer, writer Andrew Kevin Walker, editor Richard Francis-Bruce, and former New Line President of Production Michael de Luca
Audio Commentary by director David Fincher, cinematographer Darius Khondji, production designer Arthur Max, editor Richard Francis-Bruce, and author Richard Dyer
Audio Commentary by director David Fincher, sound designer Ren Klyce, composer Howard Shore, and author Richard Dyer
Featurette: Production Designs (9mins)
Featurette: John Doe's Photographs with Commentary by Photographer Melodie McDaniel (15mins)
Featurette: Victor's Decomposition with Commentary by Director David Fincher (3mins)
Featurette: Police Crime Scene Photographs with Commentary by Photographer Peter Sorel (6mins)
Featurette: Production Photographs with Commentary by Photographer Peter Sorel(11mins)
Featurette: The Notebooks with Commentary by Art Director Clive Piercy (8mins)
Featurette: Theatrical EPK (7mins)
Featurette: Mastering For the Home Theater (4mins)