Synopsis: Described as a romantic zombie comedy, Shaun of the Dead centers around a young man whose only goal in life it is to hang out in his local pub. That changes, when he is challanged to win back his girlfriend's heart—as well as to fight the hordes of zombies who mysteriously start taking over his beloved North London neighborhood.
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region Free)
There are 11 additional editions of this movie in other regions
A love letter to George Romero\'s still ongoing series of living dead movies, Shaun Of The Dead manages to be both an affectionate lampoon of Romero\'s creation while at the same time being a sometimes surprisingly touching and dramatic film in its own right. Genre fans will relish the copious in-jokes and references to horror greats past, but the uninitiated will find plenty to enjoy, as well. Shaun Of The Dead is an instant classic and can stand proudly alongside the very best of the increasingly over-worked zombie sub-genre. Pair it with the same creative team\'s equally stellar cop movie spoof Hot Fuzz for an almost perfect comedy double feature.
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* black6q (Added disc on June 1, 2007)