Synopsis: Joe Adams is as clever as they come. Certain that he'll be called up during World War II, Joe nabs the draft papers of a man who's been freed from service and leverages his position into a potentially lucrative scam. The captain of a commercial ship, Joe cons war volunteer Dorothy Bryant into believing that he's planning a fund drive for the troops. In fact, he's got something more devious in mind. But as Joe rethinks things, he finds his ruse is already in motion.
Lux Radio Theater Broadcast - This audio supplement, which originally aired on 10/18/43, serves up a condensed version of the film with Cary Grant and Laraine Day reprising their roles.
Screen Director's Playhouse - Another audio-only extra from before the days of TV, this 30-minute show was originally broadcast much later on 1/20/1950 and features Cary Grant and director H.C. Potter.