Synopsis: Disney's highly stylized retelling of the familiar fairy tale, with music adapted from Tchaikovsky. Somewhat cold in tone, but kids still enjoy the whimsical supporting characters; grown-ups appreciate the impressive animated vision and exciting finale.
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are 7 additional editions of this movie in other regions
Widescreen to Pan-and-Scan Comparisons
Sleeping Beauty Galleries:
Layouts and Backgrounds Gallery
Disneyland Walkthrough Gallery
The Sleeping Beauty Storyboard Gallery
Concept Art Gallery
Character Design Gallery
Posters Gallery
Storyboards Gallery
Sleeping Beauty Scrapbook
Four Artists Paint One Tree
The Peter Tchaikovsky Story
"Grand Canyon" live-action short
Music video: "Once Upon (Another) Dream"
3 theatrical trailers