Synopsis: Animated fable about a cranky ogre who reluctantly befriends a wisecracking donkey; soon, the two find themselves off to rescue a princess from a dragon-protected tower, on behalf of a king with a Napoleon complex. Loosely based on the book by New Yorker illustrator William Steig.
There are 4 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are 14 additional editions of this movie in other regions
Disc 1:
"Creating A Fairy Tale: The Making Of Shrek" featurette
"I'm A Believer" music video by Smash Mouth
"Best Years Of Our Lives" music video by Baha Men
"Making-of the Baha Men video" featurette
Interactive Games:
"Mirror Mirror On The Wall"
"Rescue the Princess"
"Character Morph"
"Dress Up The Gingerbread Man"
"Shrektacular Trivia"
Cast and filmmaker biographies
"Meet The Press" character interviews
Production notes
Bonus trailer for:
"Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron"
DVD-ROM Content:
15 interactive games:
"Shrek's Revoice Studio"
"Learn To Draw Shrek"
"Gingerbread Hangman"
"Soup Slam"
"Fairy Tale Lanes"
"Bugs And Slugs"
"Charming Dragon"
"Coloring Pages"
"Color A Scene"
"Ogre Masks"
"Pin the Tail On The Donkey"
"Fire Donkey"
"Shrek Pinball"
Web links to the Shrek site
Disc 2:
Audio commentary by directors Andrew Adamson and Vicky Jenson, and Producer Aron Warner
"Shrek In The Swamp Karaoke Dance Party" extended ending
"The Tech Of Shrek" featurette
"International Dubbing" featurette
Technical goofs gag reel
"Storyboard Pitch: Deleted Scenes" multi-angle look at 3 deleted scenes:
"Fiona's Prologue"
"The Deal"
"Fiona Gets Them Lost"
Technical progression reel
Cast and filmmaker biographies
Shrek X-Box game playing hints
Production notes
Theatrical trailer