Synopsis: A mother's sanity is called into question when her child disappears during a plane flight in this tense thriller. Still reeling from her husband's unexpected death, Kyle Pratt (Jodie Foster) is on a plane heading from Berlin to New York when her daughter vanishes. When the captain (Sean Bean) and the air marshal (Peter Sarsgaard) begin to doubt that the child was ever on board, Kyle realizes she must rely on herself to find her little girl.
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are 3 additional editions of this movie in other regions
jmetcalf, United States of America (Reviewer Ranking: 5) wrote this review on February 22, 2006:
Overall it was a great movie I thought. There were a couple of times you say to yourself "yeah right" but, that happens in every movie. Jodie Foster played her character great. I find it hard to believe though a average woman like her character would know that much about avionics and design them.
I gave this movie 7 out of 10 stars. I recommend you watch it.
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* PhatBoy (Added movie on January 20, 2006)
* phat_tonyca (Updated movie on January 26, 2006)
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* PhatBoy (Added disc on January 21, 2006)