Synopsis: An adaptation of Frank Miller's stories based in the fictional town of Sin City. Chief amongst the town's residents is Marv, who trawls the darkest areas of town looking for the person who killed his one true love, Goldie
There are 8 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are 6 additional editions of this movie in other regions
cterie, United States of America (Reviewer Ranking: 12) wrote this review on September 14, 2005:
To put it simply, this movie was great. I wasnt sure if I would like it because its mostly black and white but because of the lack of special affects and graphics it makes you pay more attention to the sotry. It was a great action movie I would recommend it to anyone who loves a lot of action and violence but also a great story.
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The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* phat_tonyca (Added movie on August 23, 2005)
* burningtables (Updated movie on March 20, 2009)
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* BigCope2 (Added disc on August 24, 2005)