Synopsis: Atmospheric, quirky comedy-drama-adventure story has Sigmund Freud drawing Sherlock Holmes out of drug addiction and into a kidnapping case. Those seeking elegant, tongue-in-cheek entertainment will find this a gem.
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There is 1 additional edition of this movie in other regions
Steve83, United States of America (Reviewer Ranking: 3) wrote this review on August 20, 2006:
Holmes fans shouldn't miss this excellent continuation of the mythology. It not only includes a holmsian mystery, but also explains much of Sherlock's, Mycroft's, and Watson's behavior while staying true to the original Conan-Doyle details.
Desperate to rescue his friend from cocaine addiction, Watson tricks Holmes into seeing Sigmund Freud in Vienna where they become entangled in an international kidnapping case.
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* donservo (Added disc on May 31, 2005)