Below is a list of frequently asked questions (FAQ) for For general DVD FAQs, please refer to this site. For a High Definition DVD FAQ, please refer to this page.
I can't find a disc in this database. Why is that?
There are more than a hundred thousand DVDs, UMDs, Blu-ray Discs and HD DVDs in the world right now, so our database is unlikely to feature all of these discs. Like any other database, it will take a lot of time and effort to ensure the data is complete, and we will need your help to accomplish this.
Your site refers to discs for movies. What about discs for TV series?
Our database already features many discs for movies, sports programs, made for TV movies and documentaries. We use the term "movies" simply because there is no other single term that would best describe these programmes.
How come the "Disc Options" menu is disabled on some of the pages?
The navigational menu you see at the top of every page is a context sensitive menu. This means that the menu's content changes depending on whether you're logged in or not, and on which page you currently happen to be browsing. The "Disc Options" menu will only be available when you are on the main information page for a disc, since it contains links that are only relevant to this page.
The barcode/UPC search allows you to search for a disc using the barcode number, or the UPC (Universal Product Code), printed on the back of the DVD/UMD/HiDef DVD cover. Currently, only some discs from the USA (and Canada) and a selected number of UK discs in our database can be searched for using this method. If you search for a barcode/UPC on the advanced search page, all other search options will be ignored.
For those with Android powered smartphones and the free Barcode Scanner app, you can use your phone to scan the barcode and use the app's "custom search URL" function to link directly to's barcode search function. To do this:
Start the Barcode Scanner App
Go to the Settings section (Menu button -> Settings)
Find the "Custom search URL" option, and enter the following URL:
Scan the barcode of a DVD/Blu-ray movie, and use the "custom search" button to perform a search on when the barcode has been recognized.
What is the process of getting an account on
Registration of an account on is completely free and we have tried to make the process as simple as possible, but also to prevent fraud and spammers. To get a new account at, simply go to this page and fill in your details.
This database contains a list of movies. Each movie contains information about the movie, such as the title, production year, cast and crew information.
Each DVD/UMD/HiDef DVD in the database is associated with a movie - each movie can be associated with multiple discs.
For discs that contain more than one movie, it is associated with one of the movies on the disc. There is also a "Related Movies" entry for each disc that can list the other movies on the disc.
To submit a movie/show, disc, easter egg, movie clip or distributor, simply select the appropriate menu items in the "Submissions" menu.
To submit a correction, simply locate and view the main information page for the disc that you plan to correct using our search functions, and then look for the appropriate menu items in the "Submissions" menu (or look for the "Spot a Mistake" link on the main information page). You can also use this method for all other submissions.
To submit a problem or bug with this site, please use our contact page.
The exact points system is kept as a secret as to not encourage one kind of submission over the other, but the general idea is that the number of award points you get relates to the difficulty of the submission. The longer it normally takes to add a submission (and the more information you submit to us), the more points you will get. While only award points earned in the current month are accounted towards the monthly prize draw, your total award points will be kept intact. You can view your current total and monthly award point here.
How long does it take for my submission to be approved?
Submission approvals are done manually by the staff of, so there is no set time period in which submissions will be automatically approved. Generally, your submission will be approved within 1 or 2 hours during normal working hours (Australian time). You can view a list of your own pending submissions here
Where can I obtain the Amazon ASIN and DVD Empire PID needed for the Express Submission facility?
Both the ASIN and PID can be obatained from looking at the URL/link of the product page on or DVD Empire. The ASIN/PID is marked in red in the screenshots below:
To add or remove a disc to/from your collection or wishlist, simply search for the disc you want to add or remove using our search functions, and click on the following graphics:
- Add the current disc to your collection list - Add the current disc to your wishlist - Remove the current disc from your collection list - Remove the current disc from your wishlist
The following animated tutorial shows the process of searching and adding discs to your list:
If the disc you wish to add to your list is not in our database, you can first add the movie for the disc to our database (if it isn't there already) and then add the Disc(s) for the movie (more information about how this database is organized can be found here). You will receive reward points for your submissions - the top users with most number of points at the end of the months can win prizes.
Can I export my custom, collection list or wishlist?
Yes you can!! Simply go to view your custom list, collection or wishlist and look for the link to export your list. You can export your list to CSV format.
A custom list is a list of DVDs that you can modify. It is much like a collection or wishlist, except that you can choose a name for it, choose a graphics to represent it and even add a description/note to it.
An example of a custom list is a list of DVDs that you have lent to friends or a list of your favorite Sci-Fi DVDs. You can then choose a graphics and character to represent the list:
"DVDs that I have lent to friend" list graphics
"My Favorite Sci-Fi DVDs" list graphics
The chosen graphics will then be displayed next to the DVDs that are in this like, circled in red in the screenshot below:
With no limit on the number of custom lists you can have or how big the custom lists are, the possibilities are endless...
All the custom list functions are located on one single page, accessible by clicking here or selecting the "My Custom Lists" option in the "My Stuff" menu at the top of the page (you have to be logged in first).
You can view an example of a custom list submission here.
How do I add or remove a disc to/from my custom list?
To add a disc to your custom list, simply search for the disc you want to add using our search functions, and click on the following graphic:
- Add the current disc to your custom list
This animation show the process of searching and adding a disc to a list.
Once you click on the custom list graphics, on the following page, you can then add the disc to a list you have already created, or create a new list for this disc to be added to.
A disc that is already part of a custom list will show up with the custom list's chosen graphics (the graphics you chose when you created the custom list) - you can click on this graphics to access the options to remove this disc from your custom lists. An example graphics looks like the following (your chosen graphics will no doubt be different)
- Remove the current disc from custom lists
If the disc you wish to add to your list is not in our database, you can first add the movie for the disc to our database (if it isn't there already) and then add the Disc(s) for the movie (more information about how this database is organized can be found here). You will receive reward points for your submissions - the top users with most number of points at the end of the months can win prizes.'s Swap Meet allows you to trade, buy and sell your discs with other users. All communication is done through a private messaging system, to ensure privacy.