Synopsis: Estrella Arenas, a rural Spanish teenager with a rich imagination, dreams of her mysterious father AgustÃn, a man who in recent years has drifted away from her. Estrella struggles to piece together AgustÃn's secret history and recalls her family's sudden unexplained move from Seville, Spain, to the northern countryside in her youth. Estrella decides to return alone to the South, a place warped by years of her father's hazy and nostalgic recollections.
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Extra Features:
Interview from 2003 with Director Victor Erice
Program on the Making of the Film featuring interviews from 2012 with Actors Omero Antontti, Sonsoles Aranguren & Ieiar Bollain, Cinematographer Jose Luis Aleaine & Camera Operator Alfredo Mayo
Hour-Long Episode of "Qui grande es el cine!" from 1996 featuring Film Critics Miguel Marias, Miguel Rubio & Juan Cobos discussing El Sur
Essay by Novelist & Critic Elvira Lindo & a New Edition of the 1985 Novella by Adelaida Garcia Morales on which the film is based