Collateral: Special Edition
Audio Track(s):
Subtitle Track(s):
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Number of people who have this disc in their collection: 5
Professional hitman (Tom Cruise) visits L.A to do a job. He hires an unfortunate taxi driver (Jamie Foxx) to drive him to his hits. F.B.I and L.A.P.D pursue them as the hitman's work is almost done. The survival of both the hitman and the taxi cab driver, becomes dependant on each other in ways neither of them could ever have imagined.
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There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 4)
There are 7 additional editions of this movie in other regions
view/compare editions
1: |
Single Sided, Dual Layer |
2: |
Single Sided, Dual Layer |
1: |
English |
(448 kbps) |
2: |
Spanish (Espanol) |
(448 kbps) |
3: |
Italian |
(448 kbps) |
4: |
Commentary |
(192 kbps) |
Greek, English, Spanish (Espanol), Hebrew, Croatian (Hrvatski), Italian, Portuguese, Slovenian, Serbian, English (Commentary), English (Commentary), English (Commentary), English, Italian
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* Hunter007
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