Synopsis: Exiled to a subterranean prison, Riddick encounters Kyra, the lone survivor from an earlier chapter in his life. His efforts to free them both propel him into an apocalyptic battle, with the fate of all beings - living and dead - hanging in the balance.
Alternate Title(s): The Chronicles of Riddick: Pitch Black
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region A (Blu-ray))
There are 14 additional editions of this movie in other regions
Ambition on Another Scale: Chronicling a Blockbuster Sequel (HD; 1:13:48) is an engaging newly produced documentary on the making of the film, with some good interviews with David Twohy, Keith David, Linus Roache, miniature effects artist Ian Hunter, storyboard artist Brian Murray and concept artist Matt Codd.
Realizing Riddick (HD; 13:49) is a newly filmed interview with David Twohy.
Back to Black (HD; 10:42) is a newly filmed interview with storyboard artist Brian Murray.
Chronicles of a Cult Film Celebrity (HD; 10:17) is a newly filmed interview with Keith David.
Introduction by David Twohy (HD*; 00:47)
Creation of New Mecca (HD*; 11:10) is an archival piece focusing on the world of Helion Prime.
Riddick Rises (HD*; 13:25) is an archival piece focusing on the prison planet of Crematoria.
Keep What You Kill (HD*; 17:28) is an archival piece focusing on the Necromongers.
Visual Effects Revealed (HD*; 6:02) is an archival piece focusing on the visual effects.
Interactive Production Calendar (HD*; 24:38) is a series of short videos filmed throughout the production.
Production Vignettes (HD*; 33:59) are culled from picture in picture supplements included on the 2009 1080 Blu-ray.
Deleted Scenes feature optional commentary by David Twohy:
Virtual Guide to The Chronicles of Riddick (HD; 7:52) is a series of short animated segments explaining the worlds of the films, read by several actors in the film.
Disc Three: Theatrical Cut Open Matte Version (1:59:07)
Escape from Butcher Bay (HD; 33:42) is a compilation of cut scenes from the 2004 video game featuring voice work from Diesel among others.
The Lowdown (HD*; 22:04) is a television speical produced to promote the 2004 theatrical release.
Additionally, the keepcase features a reversible sleeve and encloses a really nicely appointed insert booklet with some great writing, including what may be an indispensable Chronicles Compendium, a kind of "visual dictionary" offering looks at characters and locales. Packaging features a slipcover.