Synopsis: A breathlessly paced, still-fresh romantic comedy classic about shipboard plot to con naive, wealthy young man. Fans of old-style Hollywood films enjoy its funny, biting script, and highly acclaimed performances.
Audio Commentary from 2001 featuring Film Scholar Marian Keane
Introduction from 2001 by Filmmaker Peter Bogdanovich
Conversation among Writer-Director Preston Sturges's Biographer & Son Tom Sturges, Bogdanovich, Filmmakers James L. Brooks & Ron Shelton & Critics Susan King, Leonard Maltin & Kenneth Turan
Video Essay by Film Critic David Cairns
Costume Designs by Edith Head
Lux Radio Theatre Adaptation of the film from 1942 featuring Barbara Stanwyck & Ray Milland
Audio Recording from 2013 of "Up the Amazon," a song from an unproduced stage musical based on the film
Essay by Critic Geoffrey O'Brien & a 1946 Profile of Preston Sturges from Life Magazine