Synopsis: Tatsu is a reclusive, tortured artist who continually paints brilliant pictures of a dragon that has the soul of a princess. When Tatsu meets the beautiful Ume Ko, he thinks that she is the living embodiment of the princess he has spent years imagining. He immediately falls for Ume Ko; initially overjoyed, Tatsu soon becomes despondent when he realizes he has lost his inspiration to paint. He must now somehow learn to balance love with artistic fervor.
Full-Length Feature Thomas Ince's "The Wrath of the Gods" (1914, 60 mins)
How to Build Your Own Volcano (DVD-ROM)
Original Script for "The Wrath of the Gods"
1921 Comedy Short "Screen Snapshots" (5 mins)
Stills Gallery including Illustrations from Mary McNeil Fenollosa's original novel & images of turn-of-the-century Japan by Legendary Photographer Herbert G. Ponting
Milestone's Press Kit for The Dragon Painter (DVD-ROM)
Essay on "Hollywood's First Asian Cycle" by Film Historian Brian Taves (DVD-ROM)
Mary McNeil Fenollosa's novel The Dragon Painter (DVD-ROM)