Synopsis: Two young men (Jon Cryer, Rick Stear) who have been friends since early childhood decide to go on a trip to find a third friend (Rafael Baez) who has long since disappeared. Stories they have heard indicate that the friend has been seen in an apparently rambling, incoherent state at Coney Island. Their trip leads them to a number of adventures involving the otherworld-like life at the Park and revelations related to their own pasts including the death of one's sister, a failed past relationship, financial failings, and alcoholism.
High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) presentation of the main feature from a frame-by-frame digital restoration from original 35mm film elements
5.1 Surround Audio (Uncompressed PCM) and 2.0 Stereo
NEW Introduction from director Richard Schenkman and Jon Cryer (HD)
Audio commentary from director Richard Schenkman and Jon Cryer
\'-\'Went to Coney Island... To Make a Movie\'\' Behind the scenes featurette (18:36, SD)
\'-\'The Producer\'\' Comedy short film directed by Richard Schenkman (3:00, SD)