Synopsis: This smash Japanese hit is an irreverent, episodic comedy about the role of food in people's lives. A must-see for food connoisseurs and fans of quirky, offbeat, life-affirming fare.
The Making of Tampopo, a ninety-minute documentary from 1986, narrated by director Juzo Itami.
New Interview with actor Nobuko Miyamoto
New Interviews with ramen scholar Hiroshi Osaki; food stylist Seiko Ogawa; and American chefs Sam White, Rayneil De Guzman, Jerry Jaksich, and Anthony Bourdain
Rubber Band Pistol, Itami\'s 1962 debut Short Film
New Video Essay by Tony Zhou and Taylor Ramos on the Fillm\'s themes of Self-Improvement and Mastery of a Craft
New English subtitle translation
PLUS: An Essay by food and culture writer Willy Blackmore