Synopsis: Animated feel-good feature about a boy, an alien 50-foot robot, a junkman, and the requisite skeptical mom. The boy teaches the robot the ways of the world and the robot eats a lot of metal, as an ominous G-man lurks in the shadows.
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are 4 additional editions of this movie in other regions
Feature-Length Commentary by Director Brad Bird, Head of Animation Tony Fucile, Story Department Head Jeff Lynch and Steven Markowski, Animation Supervisor for the Giant
8 Amazing Additional Scenes Including an Alternate Opening and a Giant's Dream Sequence.
13 Branching Minidocumentary Segments Highlighting Key Sequences from the Viewpoint of Score, Character Design, Storyboards and Animation.
Bird and Creative Consultant Teddy Newton Analyze the Movie's "Annie Meets Kent" and "Duck and Cover" Sequences
"The Voice of the Giant" Featuring Brad Bird and Vin Diesel