Synopsis: The critically acclaimed romantic comedy of the year, Next Stop Wonderland is a lighthearted story about a man and a woman who seem destined to be together...and the hilarious chain of accidents that seem determined to keep them apart! Dumped by her loser boyfriend (Philip Seymour Hoffman - Cold Mountain), Erin (Hope Davis - Arlington Road) thinks that her love life has hit rock bottom. In reality, the all-time low comes when her overbearing mother (Holland Taylor -- TV's The Practice) places an embarrassing ad for her in the "personals" section of a local newspaper! Erin's disgust turns to curiosity, however, when the calls start pouring in - all 64 of them!
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are no other editions of this movie in other regions.