Synopsis: Corpses drained of blood and marked with strange wounds are discovered during the dark nights of Victorian England. When horror great Peter Cushing (Hammer's Dr. Frankenstein) as Inspector Quennell investigates, he discovers one of the most bizarre monsters in movie history…a giant, blood-sucking moth with the ability to take on human form! A crazed entomologist (Robert Flemyng, The Horrible Dr. Hichcock) trying to make a mate for the monster needs blood for the experiment, and he's got his eye on Quennell's daughter. Creepy, atmospheric…and just absurd enough to be a lot of fun!
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* donservo
The disc information on this page was generously updated by:
* doctorb (Added disc on April 22, 2012)
* black6q (Updated disc on July 21, 2012)
* LegoGuy02 (Updated disc on September 12, 2023)