Synopsis: Alfredo Sbisà, a shy young Italian bank teller, is haunted by the jealousy of his wife Maria Rosa. His marriage crumbles away day after day until he decides to get married again with his former lover Carolina. But things start to get from bad to worse, until Alfredo decides that it is for him to stop sobbing and take his love life in his own hands. Pietro Germi directs Dustin Hoffman in this melancholic sentimental comedy about a man who dreams of pure love and instead has to fight a daily battle for his sanity. Alfredo, Alfredo was Dustin Hoffman's second Italian film after Madigan's Millions directed by Giorgio Gentili in 1968. Stefania Sandrelli and Carla Gravina are part of an incredible cast that features also Saro Urzi (The Godfather II).