Synopsis: In this mystery-comedy hybrid, a terminally laid-back L.A. bowler, who's mistaken for a philanthropist, accidentally becomes involved in a criminal caper.
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region A (Blu-ray))
There are 19 additional editions of this movie in other regions
Limited Edition collectible 28-pg book packaging including an exclusive interview, Jeff Bridges’ on-set photography, a film timeline, trivia and more!
Digital Copy of The Big Lebowski (expires 12/31/2012)
U-Control: Scene Companion – Watch behind the scenes footage, interviews and more while you watch the film
U-Control: Mark It, Dude – This on-screen counter keeps track of the “F-bombs,” “Dudes” and Lebowski-isms during the film
U-Control: The Music of The Big Lebowski – Identify the songs in the film and create a custom playlist
Worthy Adversaries: What’s My Line Trivia – Test your Lebowski knowledge with this interactive game
The Dude’s Life
The Dude Abides: The Big Lebowski Ten Years Later
Making of The Big Lebowski
The Lebowski Fest: An Achiever’s Story
Flying Carpets and Bowling Pin Dreams: The Dream Sequences of The Dude