Synopsis: When a young owl is abducted by an evil Owl army, he must escape with newfound friends to seek out the legendary Guardians to stop the menace.
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region Free (Blu-ray))
There is 1 additional edition of this movie in other regions
Legend Guides You Through The Guardians: Rise Of The Guardians - The Owls' Legendary Bedtime Story That Inspired Soren To Seek Out The Guardians
To The Sky Music Video By Owl City
4 Artwork Galleries:
Legend Of The Guardians: The Guardians, The Locations, The Villians Of St. Aegolius, Legend Of The Guardians: Soren & Friends
Plus: True Guardians Of The Earth - Digger And Modern Family's Rico Rodriguez Host The Fascinating Look Into The World Of Owls And Why They Are Counting On You To Protect Them.