Synopsis: In between his horror hits Rabid and The Brood, award-winning director David Cronenberg immersed himself in the gritty world of top-fuel dragsters to make what he considers to be one of the most important movies of his entire career. Genre icons William Smith (Red Dawn, Maniac Cop), John Saxon (Enter The Dragon, A Nightmare On Elm Street) and drive-in goddess Claudia Jennings (in her final role before her tragic death) star in this surprising story of a corporate-sponsored racing team and the explosive obsessions that speed them through lives of fast cars, fast cash and Fast Company.
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region Free)
There is 1 additional edition of this movie in other regions
Audio Commentary with Co-Writer/Director David Cronenberg
Inside The Character Actor's Studio: Interviews With Stars William Smith and John Saxon
Shooting Cronenberg: Interview With Director of Photography Mark Irwin