Synopsis: Jungle boy Mowgli (voiced by Osment) decides to forsake civilized village life for the "bare necessities" of the wild with his old friends. However, the evil tiger Shere Khan is looking for a little payback after Mowgli's last adventure. Trouble's a-brewing!
Mowgli feels out of place in his new home, despite the efforts of his friend Shanti and his new little brother. So when Baloo arrives for a visit, the man-cub takes the opportunity to return for some fun in the jungle. However, Shanti, believing her friend was taken, follows them. With Shere Khan still on the hunt for him, Mowgli must protect himself and the ones he cares about from the dangers ahead. The new adventures make him reconsider his decisions and decide which he wants more - a life of laid back hilarity with Baloo in the jungle or a simpler existance in the man village with Shanti.
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are 3 additional editions of this movie in other regions
Games & Activities
- New! Mowgli's Story Time Adventure
- Mowgli's Jungle Ruins Maze Music Videos
- "I Wanna Be Like You" Performed by Smash Mouth
- "W-I-L-D"
- "Jungle Rhythm" Deleted Scenes
- "I Got You Beat"
- "Braver" And More!