Pork Chop Hill
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Number of people who have this disc in their collection: 1
Lt. Joe Clemons has been given the order: take Pork Chop Hill. If It's taken by the Chinese, U.S. negotiators at the Panmunjom peace conference would lose face with their Communist adversaries - an unthinkable outcome. And so, Clemons leads his troops into combat, to fight for an object that they know to be strategically pointless. But they also know that's an order and they must take Pork Chop Hill - or die trying - so that millions can live in freedom tomorrow for what Clemons and his men will sacrifice today.
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There are 3 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 2)
There are 4 additional editions of this movie in other regions
view/compare editions
1: |
Single Sided, Dual Layer |
1: |
English |
(192 kbps) |
2: |
German (Deutsch) |
(192 kbps) |
3: |
French |
(192 kbps) |
4: |
Italian |
(192 kbps) |
5: |
Spanish (Espanol) |
(192 kbps) |
English (Hearing Impaired), German (Deutsch) (Hearing Impaired), French, Italian, Spanish (Espanol), Dutch (Nederlands), Greek, Romanian
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* donservo
The disc information on this page was generously updated by:
* DougieB (Added disc on September 13, 2008)
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