Synopsis: Hayden Christensen of Jumper stars as charming scoundrel Lorenzo de Lamberti who can - and does - deflower any woman he wants in 14th century Florence. But the only maiden that truly sets his heart ablaze is the sexy beauty Pampinea (Mischa Barton of The O.C.) who is also being pursued by an obsessed Russian count (Mathew Rhys of Brothers & Sisters) and a psycho nobleman (Academy Award nominee Tim Roth of The Incredible Hulk 2008) who has vowed to take her virtue. In a time when lust is contagious, can trickery become the ultimate act of seduction? Christopher Egan (Eragon) co-stars in this sexy action-comedy where one kiss may unlock a world of pleasure and anything can happen when you're in Virgin Territory.
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* SirDonk (Added movie on August 27, 2008)
The disc information on this page was generously updated by:
* SirDonk (Added disc on August 28, 2008)
* atomicthumbs (Updated disc on February 18, 2009)