Synopsis: Inspired by the best-selling graphic novel by Darwyn Cooke and produced by the multiple Emmy award winning animation legend, Bruce Timm, The New Frontier is the epic tale of the founding of the Justice League. Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman are all here of course, and so are Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter and Flash - whose incredible origins will be told for the very first time.
There are no other editions of this movie in the current region (region Free (Blu-ray)).
There are 3 additional editions of this movie in other regions
2 Revealing Documentaries: Super Heroes United! THe Complete Justice Leagure History and The Legion Of Doom: The Pathology Of The Super Villain
Audio Commentary 1: Featuring the talented filmmakers of New Frontier, including Executive Producer Bruce Timm, Supervising Producer Mike Goguen, Voice Director Andrea Romano, Director David Bullock, Screenwriter Stan Berkoqitz and DC Comics Senior Vice President/Creative Affairs Gregory Noveck
Audio Commentary 2: Featuring Comic Book Writer and Artist Darwyn Cooke
Comic Book Commentary: Homage To The New Frontier
3 Bonus Justice League Episodes: Dark Heart, To Another Shore and Task Force X
Exclusive Sneak Peek at DC Universe's Batman Gotham Knight