Synopsis: Third Trek TV series chronicles the interspecies conflict surrounding a pivotal wormhole near a Federation space station and the planet Bajor. Though overshadowed by its sister series, this complex space saga offers a compelling long-term story arc and intriguing political and religious subthemes. Aired from 1993 to 1999.
Alternate Title(s): "DS9", "Deep Space Nine", "Star Trek: DS9"
There are 9 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are 15 additional editions of this movie in other regions
Crew Dossier: Kira Nerys- Features interviews with Nana Visitor, Ira Steven Behr and others that chart the growth of the Kira character. Also features Visitor's candid commentary on her real life romance with co-star Alexander Siddig and playing Kira whil pregnant.
Michael Westmore's Aliens: Season One- An in-depth look at the aliens who appeared in Season One, including Barjorans, Cardassians, and Ferengis.
Secrets Of Quark's Bar- Penny Juday reveals the secrets behind the fascinating props used in Quark's bar.
Deep Space Nine Sketchbook- Veteran Star Trek Illustrator Rick Sternbach reveals how the station developed from doodles to a finished design.
Alien Artifacts: Season One- Propmaster Joe Longo explains some of the props used in Season One.