Synopsis: This not-just-for-Trekkies sci-fi drama centers around Spock's "afterlife." Though slow at times, this popular sequel's engaging story and slick special effects should please genre fans and series regulars.
Commentary by Director Leonard Nimoy, Writer/Producer Harvey Bennett, Director of Photography Charles Correll and Robin Curtis
Text Commentary by Michael Okuda and Denise Okuda, co-authors of The Star Trek Encyclopedia
Disc 2:
Captain's Log: A look back at the making of the feature from inception to premiere, with new and exclusive interviews, with Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner, Robin Curtis and Christopher Lloyd
The Star Trek Universe:
Space Docks and Birds of Prey: Interviews with ILM Model Makers plus other Star Trek designers
Speaking Klingon: Linguist Marc Okrand provides a detailed account of the creation of the Klingon language and how he created a separate language for Vulcans
Klingon and Vulcan Costumes: Interviews with the original designers of the jewelry, costumes and makeup
Terraforming And The Prime Directive: The Genesis device and the Genesis planet both reflect science fiction explorations of terraforming, a concept that has been present in sci-fi for generations and is now on the drawing boards at JPL and NASA. Featuring NASA scientist Dr. Louis Friedman