Synopsis: Effects-packed, live-action adaptation of the phenomenally popular fantasy novel by J.K. Rowling, about a neglected British boy who discovers that he has magical powers and begins attending a prestigious school for witches and wizards.
Alternate Title(s): Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 2)
There are 18 additional editions of this movie in other regions
Disc 1: Original Trailers
Disc 2: Never-Before-Seen Footage / 360 Degree Self-Guided Tour Of Hogwarts Controlled by Your Own Remote / New Interviews with Director Chris Columbus and Producer David Heyman / Learn How To Play Quidditch with an Original Quidditch Montage Featuring Oliver Wood and Harry / Catch A Snitch With Your Remote / Have A Wand Choose You At Ollivanders Wands / Meet The Ghosts Of Hogwarts / Cast A Spell Over A Scene In Eight Languages with "Harry Potter Throughout The World" / Create Potions Correctly or Wind Up In The Infirmary / Sneak Past Fluffy and Other Challenges To Reveal The Secret in the Mirror of Erised
DVD-ROM Features: Be Sorted by the Sorting Hat / Collect Wizard Trading Cards / Download Flying Owls in the Great Hall / Quidditch Screensavers and your own Remembrall / Receive Owl E-Mail Messages / Ample Game Demos And Much More