Synopsis: The adventures of Andy's favorite toys continue when Woody is stolen by a greedy collector and it's up to Buzz Lightyear and the other merry misfits to spring him before he winds up as a stale museum piece. The only problem is Woody isn't sure he wants to go home.
There are 3 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are 5 additional editions of this movie in other regions
Sneak Peek – Rev up for Pixar’s All-New Animated Feature “CARS”
TOY BOX - Open up a Toy Box for the whole family!
Outtakes - Watch as Woody, Buzz and the rest of the cast flub, fumble and fluster their way through their scenes in these hilarious, animated blunders
Who’s The Coolest Toy? - Listen in as the cast and filmmakers weigh in on their favorite characters
All-New WHICH TOY ARE YOU? - Are you more a Buzz or a Woody? Join Hamm and Rex as they host this fun new game to test your personality and discover which Toy Story character you most resemble
Ponkickies - Play rock-paper-scissors with Woody, Buzz and Jessie as they make a visit to Japan’s popular children’s program, Ponkickies 21
Riders In The Sky Music Medley - Tap your toes and spin your partner as Riders In The Sky lead a musical tour through “Woody’s Roundup” and other classic western songs
New “Making Toy Story 2” - Meet Director John Lasseter, along with other members of the Pixar team, and discover how they drew inspiration from ideas they developed for the original Toy Story in order to bring the world of Buzz and Woody back to life.
Deleted Scenes - A unique look at earlier versions of some of your favorite Toy Story 2 scenes. See the “Crossing the Road” sequence in its original form and find out how Woody initially ended up at the yard sale
John Lasseter Profile
TOY STORY 2’s Cast of Characters
All-New Design Gallery Slideshows - Watch the evolution of the characters, sets and color design through these brand new slideshows assembled from hundreds of pieces of original art used to design Toy Story 2.
Story - See an early storyboard version of “Woody’s Nightmare” and watch “Jessie’s Song” with a multi-angle feature allowing you to compare the early storyboards to the final film.
PRODUCTION – Go inside Pixar to see how the world of Toy Story 2 was brought to life:
Designing Woody’s Past
Making Woody’s Roundup
Production Tour
Production Progression
Early Animation Tests
Special Effects
International Scene
PUBLICITY – Go back to see how the world first learned about Toy Story 2
Character Interviews - Get the low down on your favorite characters straight from the horse’s mouth. Bullseye makes a guest appearance as Woody and Buzz answer questions about Toy Story 2