Synopsis: Sci-fi thriller set in a future where crime is predicted by psychics living in isolation tanks and prevented by paramilitary police with see-through computers. One such techno-detective is forced to challenge the failsafe system after he is marked for arrest as an eventual murderer. He must work fast to save himself and his future victim. Based on the short story by Philip K. Dick.
There are 3 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region 1)
There are 5 additional editions of this movie in other regions
"Minority Report: From Story to Screen": Steven Spielberg recounts his approach to the film's characters and storyline
"Deconstructing Minority Report": learn how Spielberg brought together a think tank of some of the world's most renowned minds and how this elite group conceived the near-future world of the film
"The Stunts of Minority Report": how the thrilling action sequences and stunts were created
"The Digital World of Minority Report": ILM explains the visual effects
"Final Report": a discussion with Steven Spielberg and Tom Cruise
Minority Report Archives: production concepts, storyboard sequences, production photographs, production notes, and bios