Synopsis: Award-winning documentary focuses on the history of incorporated companies which, once they grow and merge into international conglomerates, act as world powers—sometimes with fanatic and even pyschopathic tendencies.
\"Q\'s and A\'s\": Video interviews with the filmmakers from radio, TV and theaters, including segments from CNN Financial, WNYC, WBAI, and Air America
Trailers for <i>The Corporation</I> and <i>Manufacturing Consent</i>
Eight deleted scenes
Janeane Garofolo interviews writer Joel Bakan on Air America\'s <i>Majority Report</i>
Two filmmaker audio commentaries
English descriptive audio for the visually impaired
<b>Disc Two</b>
\"Topical Paradise\" and \"Tell Me More\": Over 5 hours of additional footage of <i>The Corporation\'s</i> 40 interviewees, searchable by topic or interview subject.
Plus: Additional trailers, related film resources, subject updates and web resource listings.