Crimson Rivers, The (Rivières Pourpres, Les)
Audio Track(s):
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Number of people who have this disc in their collection: 1
A famous police chief (Reno) travels to a small village in the Alps to solve a gruesome murder and discovers that the case is related to another involving the desecration of a young girl's tomb. To solve both cases, he must team up with an brash young detective (Cassel) in this tense French crime thriller.
Crimson Rivers, The, The Crimson Rivers
(1 vote) (More Details and Cast Your Vote)
There are no other editions of this movie in the current region (region 4).
There are 2 additional editions of this movie in other regions
view/compare editions
1: |
Single Sided, Dual Layer |
2: |
Single Sided, Dual Layer |
1: |
French |
(448 kbps) |
2: |
English |
(448 kbps) |
3: |
Spanish (Espanol) |
(448 kbps) |
4: |
Commentary |
(192 kbps) |
5: |
Isolated Music Score |
(448 kbps) |
English, Spanish (Espanol), Dutch (Nederlands), Arabic, Bulgarian, Croatian (Hrvatski), Czech (Ceske), Danish (Dansk), Finnish, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Icelandic (Islenka), Norwegian (Norsk), Polish, Portuguese, Swedish (Svenska), Turkish, English (Commentary), English (Commentary), English (Commentary), English (Commentary), English (Commentary), English (Commentary)
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* Jack Straw
* psibre
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