Idiosyncratic comedy about a precocious prep-school overachiever and a depressed tycoon battling for a teacher's affection. Lies and bad grades catch up to the student as he attempts to dodge expulsion by putting on the most ambitious school play ever.
IMDb movie information page
Rushmore (Criterion) (DVD, R)
Region: 1
Released: Jan-18-2000
Run Time: 93 minutes
Average Rating:
(1 vote)
Rushmore (DVD, R)
Region: 1
Released: Feb-25-2003
Run Time: 92 minutes
Rushmore (DVD, 15)
Region: 2
Released: Jan-22-2001
Run Time: 89 minutes
Rushmore (DVD, M)
Region: 4
Released: Apr-3-2000
Run Time: 89 minutes
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