Edge of Love
In the bohemian underground of World War II London, a stirring love story ignites among legendary poet Dylan Thomas (Matthew Rhys, TV's Brothers and Sisters) and the two extraordinary women who inspire him. Sienna Miller (Casanova) is Caitlin, Thomas' free-spirited wife, while Keira Knightley (Atonement) is Vera, the long-lost teenage sweetheart who later reconnects with Thomas. Despite their romantic rivalry, the two women form a surprisingly close bond. The trio is unusually blissful until Vera's husband, a handsome soldier (Cillian Murphy, Girl with a Pearl Earring), sends their uninhibited lives spiraling out of control.
Edge of Love (DVD, Not Rated)
Region: 1
Released: Jul-14-2009
Run Time: 111 minutes
Edge of Love [Blu-ray] (Blu-ray Disc, Not Rated)
Region: A (Blu-ray)
Released: Jul-14-2009
Run Time: 111 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on June 18, 2019)