Meet Me In St. Louis
Judy Garland stars in a timeless tale of family, captured with warmth and emotion by director Vincente Minnelli. The enduring popularity of Meet Me In St. Louis comes from a terrific blend of music, romance and humor and is now available for the first time on Blu-ray! This stunning new Blu-ray edition includes a premium 40-page book that is filled with glamorous photos, song lyrics, trivia and a CD soundtrack sampler. Starring Judy Garland, together with Margaret O'Brien (awarded a special Oscar as 1944's outstanding child actress) and Mary Astor, and featuring the musical classics "Meet Me In St. Louis," "The Trolley Song" and "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas."
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on December 18, 2011)
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