Bravados, The
In this gripping, action-filled tale of the Wild West, Gregory Peck leads an all-star cast including Joan Collins, Lee Van Cleef and Henry Silva. Jim Douglas (Peck), an expert tracker and gunman, is anxious to see justice exacted upon four violent men whom he believes raped and murdered his wife. As fate would have it, the four now face execution for a bank robbery and slaying. However, they escape hours before the execution. Taking charge of the posse intent on catching them before they reach the Mexican border, Douglas tracks down the criminals one by one, until the stunning, surprise ending of this powerful film.
Bravados, The (DVD, NR)
Region: 1
Released: May-24-2005
Run Time: 97 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on October 4, 2010)
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