Astro Boy
Blast off with Astro Boy, the thrilling tale of a true hero! In futuristic Metro City, scientist Tenma (voiced by Nicolas Cage) creates an amazing robot boy with hidden talents unlike anything you've ever seen. Astro Boy (voiced by Freddie Highmore) has super strength, x-ray vision, incredible speed and the ability to fly. But, what he really wants is to know where he belongs. When the world needs saving, he'll discover he was made for the challenge. Featuring an all-star cast of voice talent, it's high-flying adventure that soars to new heights!
Astro Boy (DVD, PG)
Region: 4
Released: Mar-16-2010
Run Time: N/A
Astro Boy (Blu-Ray) (Blu-ray Disc, PG)
Region: A (Blu-ray)
Released: Mar-16-2010
Run Time: 94 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on March 18, 2010)
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