This movie, based on cult Broadway musical of the '60ties, tells a story about Claude, young man from Oklahoma who comes to New York City. There he strikes up a friendship with the group of hippies, led by Berger, and falls in love with Sheila, girl from the rich family.
IMDb movie information page
Hair (DVD, PG)
Region: 1
Released: Apr-27-1999
Run Time: 121 minutes
Hair (DVD, 15)
Region: 2
Released: Aug-6-2001
Run Time: 115 minutes
Hair (DVD, M)
Region: 4
Released: Jun-8-2004
Run Time: N/A
Hair [Blu-ray] (Blu-ray Disc, PG)
Region: A (Blu-ray)
Released: Jun-7-2011
Run Time: 121 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* Bjorn_K
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