A magical -realist fable set in the frozen steppes of Mongolia, Khadak tells the epic story of Bagi, a young nomad shepherd who confronts his destiny to become a shaman. After a plague strikes their herd, Bagi, and his family are relocated to a mining town. There, he saves the life of Zolzaya, a beautiful performer/coal thief. When Bagi discovers that the plague was a government lie fabricated to eradicate nomadic life, he and Zolzaya incite a revolution. Bagi's shaman powers help rally his people, but will they ever be able to return to their former lives?
The Colour of Water
IMDb movie information page
Khadak (DVD, NR)
Region: 1
Released: Mar-4-2008
Run Time: 104 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* atomicthumbs (Added movie on October 23, 2008)
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