Brave One, The
The Brave One stars Jodie Foster in a shattering performance as Erica Bain, a popular essayist on a public radio station in New York. In love and engaged to David (Naveen Andrews), a doctor, Erica and her fiancé are brutally attacked one night by a gang of thugs. David is killed but Erica survives, only to find herself a stranger in her own skin, facing down her fears by shooting violent criminals.
With the city riveted by her anonymous actions, Erica becomes an object of curiosity for a police detective disillusioned by his own struggles to protect the innocent from truly evil men.
Brave One, The (Blu-ray Disc, 18)
Region: Free (Blu-ray)
Released: Feb-11-2008
Run Time: 122 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* black6q (Added movie on December 29, 2007)
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