Beatles, The: Help!
Directed by Richard Lester, who also directed the band's debut feature film A Hard Day's Night, Help! made its theatrical debut in 1965. The story follows The Beatles as they become passive recipients of an outside plot that revolves around Ringo's possession of a sacrificial ring, which he cannot remove from his finger. As a result, he and his bandmates John, Paul and George are chased from London to the Austrian Alps and the Bahamas by religious cult members, a mad scientist and the London police. In addition to starring the Beatles, Help! has a witty script, a great cast of British character actors and features 7 classic Beatles tracks.
Help! (DVD, NR)
Region: 1
Released: Nov-6-2007
Run Time: 153 minutes
The movie information on this page was generously updated by:
* SirDonk (Added movie on November 11, 2007)
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