Synopsis: International star Asia Argento portrays Anna Manni, a beautiful police detective in pursuit of a savage serial killer-rapist that has been terrorizing central Italy. When his trail leads Anna to Florence's famed Uffizi Museum, the investigation takes a violently psychotic turn. Anna is struck by the bizarre phenomenon known as the Stendhal Syndrome, a psychological reaction to artwork that makes the viewer fall unconscious, and in Anna's case, vulnerable to the terror she is tracking. For her, the artwork begins to come to life. It terrorizes and brutalizes her as she tries to hunt down the depraved slasher.
Alternate Title(s): Stendhal's Syndrome, The Stendhal Syndrome
There are 2 editions of this movie (including the current edition) in the current region (region Free)
There are 2 additional editions of this movie in other regions