Synopsis: In the dark silence of the sea during World War II, the submarine U.S.S. Tiger Shark prowls on what should be a routine rescue mission. But for the shell-shocked crew, trapped together in the sub's narrow corridors and constricted spaces, this is about to become a journey into the sensory delusions, mental deceptions and runaway fear that lurk just below the surface of the ocean and deep inside the human psyche.
Commentary One - this audio commentary was recorded by director David Twohy and actors Matt Davis, Bruce Greenwood, Holt McCallany, Zach Galifianakis, and Nick Chinlund.
Commentary One - this audio commentary was recorded by director David Twohy and actors Matt Davis, Bruce Greenwood, Holt McCallany, Zach Galifianakis, and Nick Chinlund.
The Process - this archival program presents footage from the shooting of Below at Pinewood Studios in England, as well as clips from interviews with David Twohy and cinematographer Ian Wilson. In English, not subtitled. (13 min).
Deleted Scenes - presented here are three deleted scenes, which can be viewed with commentary by David Twohy. In English, not subtitled. (9 min).
1. Creepy Comic
2. Hot Fish
3. Red Flare Ending