Synopsis: Simon Pheonix, a criminal, and John Spartan, a cop, are frozen in 1996. Pheonix is thawed well into the 21st century. He reaks havoc in a society that knows nothing of violence. To catch a criminal from the 20th century, they must use a cop from the 20th century.
Somewhere over the Rambo (HD; 17:01) is an interesting visual essay by Josh Nelson, one which perhaps unexpectedly draws some parallels between this film and The Wizard of Oz .
Demolition Design (HD; 14:14) is a new interview with production designer David L. Snyder.
Cryo Action (HD; 5:53) is a new interview with stunt coordinator Charles Percini.
Biggs' Body Shop (HD; 5:46) is a new interview with special make-up effects artist Chris Biggs.
Tacos and Hockey Pucks (HD; 9:55) is a new interview with body effects set coordinator Jeff Farley. The fact that Demolition Man even had a body effects set coordinator may tell you everything you need to know about this movie.