Synopsis: International horror star Paul Naschy stars as the immortal Waldemar Daninsky, a man cursed for eternity with the mark of the werewolf. But when he rescues two young woman researching the legend of vampire queens, they unleash a ferocious rampage of bloodlust, lyncanthropy and lesbianism. In the final battle to the death, can a werewolf in love destroy the depraved desires of the undead?
"The Man Who Saw Frankenstein Cry: Paul Naschy, the Life and Legend of a Horror Icon"Feature Length Documentary from 2010 featuring Mick Garris, John Landis, Javier Botet, Joe Dante, Caroline Munro, Paul Naschy & more
Video Interview with Sergio Molina, the Son of Paul Naschy
Original Theatrical Trailer under the title Werewolf Shadow
Original Theatrical Trailer under the title The Werewolf Versus Vampire Woman