Synopsis: The story of a famous Brazilian criminal, called The Red Light Bandit because he always used a red flashlight to break in the houses during the night. Working alone, he also used to rape his female victims.
There are no other editions of this movie in the current region (region A (Blu-ray)).
There are no other editions of this movie in other regions.
Extra Features:
Cinema Marginal (HD; 31:18) is a really interesting interview with producer and film conservationist Paulo Sacramento, who gives a good overview of some of the trends at what might appropriately be called the "edges" of Brasilian cinema, including those aforementioned Coffin Joe snippets, not to mention any number of other entries. Subtitled in English.
The Anti-Muse (HD; 24:35) is another very engaging piece featuring an interview with actress Helena Ignez, herself one of the founding members of Cinema Novo. Subtitled in English.
Trailer (HD; 1:56)
Short Films are each subtitled in English, though the introduction by Dennison Ramalho is in English:
-Comics by Rogerio Sganzerla (HD; 10:11)
-Introduction to Horror Palace Hotel by Filmmaker Dennison Ramalho (HD; 5:32)
-Horror Palace Hotel by Jairo Ferreira (HD; 40:43)